Your Pet Can Support Brain Injury Recovery

Here at Blossom Neuro, we (Allison and Jill) are dog people. We were recently discussing how much we LOVE spending time with them—and we started thinking about all of the ways that they also support brain health. While we may be partial to dogs, certainly cats, fish, turtles, hamsters can all play a role in helping you care for your brain!

Here are a few ways that we found pets can help you after a stroke or brain injury:

  • Exercise and Fun - Whether it’s standing observing a fish tank or taking your dog around the block, pets can help build strength and get your blood pumping! They also do silly things that can lead to some hearty belly laughs :)

  • Routine and Structure - Pets thrive on routine! Having a pet can also help us to follow a more set routine as we do the regular tasks to care for them in a day. This can help support memory and organization, as well as reduce stress.

  • Cognitive Stimulation - Taking care of a pet involves various cognitive tasks, such as planning, problem-solving, and memory recall (think about all that goes into training, scheduling vet visits, coordinating feeding, shopping for pet items!). Engaging in these activities can provide cognitive stimulation, potentially aiding in the cognitive rehabilitation of individuals recovering from brain injuries. Consider learning something new about your pet, or teaching your dog a new trick!

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation - Spending time with a pet, observing, stroking, and/or petting, can induce a state of mindfulness and relaxation. Mindfulness has been associated with reduced anxiety and improved mental well-being, factors that can help support recovery.

  • Companionship and Alleviation of Loneliness - The companionship offered by a pet can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, common challenges faced by individuals during stroke or brain injury recovery. It can also be fun to connect with others who have pets by meeting up in the park, comparing notes on your pet’s favorite foods, or shopping in the pet store.

What other ways can you think of? Let us know!

Want to see our favorite furry friends? Check out this post on Instagram!


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